How it works?
- Sell a Kirk Kara design to your customer.
- Complete the Kirk Kara Rewards Program form below, one design per submission.
- Upload sales receipt to "Choose file" below.
- Click submit at the bottom of this page and recieve an electronic giftcard to your email address within 30 days!

***Official Rules/Terms & Conditions for the Kirk Kara Rewards Program
The value of Kirk Kara Gift Cards is determined solely by Kirk Kara and subject to change without any prior notification. Reward will be issued upon submission and verification of all sales documentation by Kirk Kara. The duration of the Kirk Kara rewards program is solely at the discretion of Kirk Kara. Sales associates must be employees of an authorized Kirk Kara retailer whose agreements and accounts are in good standing at the time prizes are awarded. Kirk Kara reserves the right to request additional information to make a determinate of your submission. Sales Associate acknowledges and agrees any applicable taxes and shipping shall be their responsibility. Kirk Kara is not responsible for late, lost, damaged, incomplete or illegible entries. Rules are subject to change without any prior notice. Sales Associate must keep photocopies of completed claim forms and enclosures for their records. Documents submitted to Kirk Kara will not be returned. For any questions regarding your submission you may call 800.874.0181 between 8am and 4pm/pst or email sales
Every ring bearing the Kirk Kara name is an original hand crafted design that exceeds the highest standards in our industry.